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The Joy of Tech comic
Thanks Uta for the translation! | Portuguese | English |

The JoyPoll was...
Why is this guy so concerned about his picture showing up everywhere?
  • He's obviously some kind of criminal.
  • He's worried about what other people will think of him in that ugly yellowish shirt.
  • Once burned, twice shy... he likes to be in control of his own image.
  • It was just a joke. He knew we were going to do a comic about this group picture, and he thought he'd make it funnier.
  • He's actually Clark Kent, and doesn't want his face compared with Superman's.
  • He's Clark Kent, and he saw what happened to Superman after someone took his picture.

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And we now have an Amazon.ca affiliation for our Canadian fans.

And we also now have an Amazon.UK affiliation for our UK fans!

Our iTunes link!
(click here to get your iTunes music, and we get a few notes too.)

Forum tidbits!

Steen's sad Gary Gygax died, ... Colonel Panic wonders Why is Canada meddling in USA politics?, ... CoffeeSmack is baffled by Leopard Prohibiting Data Copying From DVD, ... Callipygous digs Panic in the village! and is in search of the perfect cup of coffee.

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits: Snaggy updates the SuperFan discount code.

SuperFan Subscriptions! Get access to the SuperFan Clubhouse, custom avatars in the Forums, a 10% discount on webstore orders, and as a SuperTreat, Solid Nitrozanium SuperFans can appear in the comic!

Neat things to read about and do, to bring a little Joy to your Tech.

The amazing self-updating Latest Joy of Tech Thumbnail is featured on:
Powerpage!O'Grady's PowerPage!
Thanks Jason!
Thanks Rick!
MacDailyNews!Thanks Chris!
Macinstein!Macinstein's Mac Search Engine!
Thanks Rich!
Macsurfer.com!...and of course we love the ever-loving MacSurfer.com!

The Joy of Tech is a comic about technology and pop culture. We like to feature the people and events that are making tech news. We tend to focus on Apple news and events because they often affect the industry in general, and because we are longtime Mac users here at GeekCulture Headquarters. We create The Joy of Tech using Apple computers, mostly on our PowerBooks, running Mac OS X Tiger. We use software from Apple, Adobe, Macromedia, BBedit, and others, including Microsoft (yep, we do use Microsoft Office for Mac on occasion). Nitrozac uses a Wacom tablet to do her illustrations.

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